Ulrich Schubert

Management Trainer & Certified Executive Coach

Management Coach & Leadership Trainer in Vienna and Barcelona

“Fascinated by human beings and their characters, I love listening to people, dedicating time and effort to assist them in reaching their goals and making the most of themselves.”

University degrees in Psychology and Business Administration from Vienna University. Specialized in group dynamics, leadership and organisational psychology. First steps as counsellor and trainer during student times.

Professional Experience in market research and social research in Vienna/Austria (Karmasin, thepartners.at), Groningen/Netherlands (AgBN) and Barcelona/Spain (acziona QMC). Traveling frequently between Vienna & Barcelona.

Certified as business coach by the EASC (European Association for Supervision & Coaching), specialized in coaching expats, middle management and entrepreneurs. Soft skill & Management trainer in the field of intercultural communication, team building and leadership.

Co-founder of _coworkshops, an interdisciplinary initiative centred on changing the paradigms of facilitation, mentoring and training, which employs group dynamics, co-creation and visual prototyping.

Lecturer at universities in Austria (FH-Wien) and Spain (EUHT STPol, ELISAVA).


Personal further education

  • 2012 – Emotional Intelligence, 90h (FOMENT, Spain)
  • 2013 – Communication Models by Schulz von Thun, 40h (Anna Fuchs, Spain)
  • 2014 – Coaching Toolbox 1: Transactional Analysis, Intercultural Communication, Relational Systems Theory, 60h (Indiálogo, Spain)
  • 2015 – Coaching Toolbox 2: Conflict Management, Organizational Constellations, 40h (Indiálogo, Spain)
  • 2016 – Sensitivity Training / Group Dynamics, 40h (ÖAGG, Austria)
  • 2016 – Art and Craft of Designing Learning Spaces, 24h (Kaospilots, Denmark)
  • 2017 – Masterclass in Designing Learning Spaces, 32h (Kaospilots, Denmark)
  • 2018 – Introduction to Holacracy, 8h (Dwarfs & Giants, Vienna)
  • 2019 – Applied Improvisation, 16h (Susanne Schinko-Fischli, Vienna)



I am working as a management trainer & certified executive Coach in Vienna, Barcelona & Online. Depending on the project, location and customer needs I am collaborating with selected training & coaching professionals.

These are trusted experts with whom I have collaborated in trainings and coachings in the past. Because of our shared working experience we know our working styles and complement each other, thus guaranteeing an optimal result for our clients.

Team Barcelona


Susanne Rieger Coach Supervisor Trainer

Susanne Rieger
Susanne is sociologist, business- and personal Coach and Supervisor. She is working with transactional analysis and as certified trainer for supervisors and coaches. For more than 20 years she has been working in the field of further education and has work experience in different european countries. For the past 11 years she has been living in Barcelona, where she founded her own training institute “Indiálogo – institut for professional and personal development and formation”. She works as a trainer and executive coach on topics such as leadership, team-building, communication and cultural diversity. In her work she focuses on clear and practical solutions for her clients, be it individuals or groups.



Team Vienna

Franziska Steffen Trainer Project Management

Franziska Steffen
Franziska holds a master degree in business administration. In addition she is qualified as train the trainer and trainer in the context of labour market policy.
As project manager and counseller for European education projects with focus on adult education, she is highly experienced in project development, coordination and implementation in international teams, in particular in designing training curricula, producing and adapting training materials and in the training of diverse target groups.



Elisabeth Unterberger Psychologist Trainer Intercultural Communication

Elisabeth Unterberger
Elisabeth is a psychologist with project management experience and a postgraduate degree in health and clinical psychology. She is holding an advanced degree in social work. Further training in international management, adult education and gender mainstreaming.
As project and program coordinator in urban child, youth and community work as well as years of experience in formal and informal adult and vocational education, training and coaching in international setting, she relies on participatory facilitation experience and strong communication abilities.


Elke Hebenstreit Psychologist Supervisor

Elke Hebenstreit
Elke is an industrial pschologist. Her expertise was human resources development and training first. Since several years she also works in the fields of supervision and coaching. Especially she works with public enterprises (Health, Social, Administration). Elke is also a volunteer in a project for homeless people.